Product UpdatesNew in Humaans: Workflow Email AutomationToday, we’re thrilled to announce a highly anticipated feature in Humaans – Workflow Email Automation.
Product UpdatesNew in Humaans: Limited Access RolesWe're excited to expand the customisability of Humaans today with the addition of Limited Access Roles.
Product UpdatesNew in Humaans: Workable integrationWe're excited to share another addition to our applicant tracking system (ATS) integrations today: Workable.
Product UpdatesNew in Humaans: TimesheetsWhether you are tracking the hours employees work due to government regulations, analytics, or other reason, having this ability built into your HRIS system will help centralise all your data.
Product UpdatesNew in Humaans: Gender Pay Gap ReportingToday we're introducing a new report to help you identify gender pay gaps within your organisation.